Stay Tuned…..

Well…it’s been quite awhile since I’ve posted to my blog (which I’ll touch upon later) but with the impending birth of my second child, I think now is a good time to jump start my blog by providing everyone with an update on #2.

And the update is….nothing. Amy did feel some contractions this morning but the strength and timing of the contractions were nothing to worry about. Amy was rather tired today and pretty much spent most of the day (at least twice as long as Elliott) napping. Right now, it’s approximately 9:30 in the evening Pacific and it looks like we’ll go through the night with everything status quo. But given the contractions this morning and the amount of kicking the baby did last week, my gut tells me it will be soon. Anyway, Amy has found the couch to be the most comfortable and will most likely sleep there tonight and, in fact, is already down for the count as I write this post.

As for my blog, “jump start” is probably not the description. It’s actually more in need of a crash cart as it has laid in a death-like state for at least the past ten months. For those of you that aren’t loyal readers of my blog which, most likely, are ALL of you, I had written a grand total of four posts last year. One at the beginning of the year to wish everyone a happy new year with the rest dedicated to our impending move to the new house in Gilroy (“So we we signed escrow papers today and boy are my arms tired”). Yes, I know, very exciting indeed. Which is why I’ve completely wiped out my blog and decided to start anew in 2007. Now for the irony, I have nothing else to write tonight. That being said, I bid everyone adieu.

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Mower of lawns, washer of cars, Jay is the patriarch of the family. His favorite hobby is photography and also carries a Part 107 certificate for sUAS flying.