• Family,  Photography,  Remy



    Nearly 14 years since we last posted. A lot has occurred since then but to not bore you with all the details, I’ll stick to just a few. Riggs and Rascal passed away in 2021 and 2019, respectively and while heartbreaking, we decided to take a break from dogs so we can attend events and travel without the guilt of boarding a pet. But at the beginning of 2022, we (actually our daughter) decided it was time to bring a new pet into the fold. Meet Remy, a pit bull mix we adopted from the local animal shelter at the beginning of 2022.

  • Life

    Is Black Friday Still Relevant?

    We’re all familiar with it’s history.  Up before (and I mean way before) the butt crack of dawn to wait in line at one of the countless stores offering “doorbuster deals.”  Throngs of people fighting and stampeding just to get one of a limited supply of popular, heavily discounted item.  But is going to such lengths really worth it?  I am on the side that says no.

    First, given the economic situation, my understanding is that retailers are very aggressive this year in terms of pricing such that “Pre-Black Friday” deals have begun to pop up.  Further, for those of you that don’t know, there is a myriad of sources on the internet, such as Slickdeals, BensBargains, and Spoofee that provide information on deals on a daily basis throughout the year.  And for those of you willing, these sites also have forums where you can troll for reader tips on how to get the best deals on almost any product.

    Second, is the time value.  My wife, bless her heart, woke up at 3:00 a.m. to begin her Black Friday Shopping.  As for me, I find that to be precious time that could used to, for example, spend time with family, work on a creative hobby, or just to recharge from or for a busy work week.  Personally, I think my time is worth at least three time as much as the dollars saved from waiting in line five hours during Black Friday.

    In the end, I believe shoppers who do their research and know the  resources have opportunities way beyond Black Friday to save money.  I will admit, though, that I am speaking anecdotally and do not have any hard numbers to support my first argument.  And some say that Black Friday madness is a good opportunity to spend time with loved ones and that its chaos can strengthen bonds.  Definitely a good point but as for me, I can’t imagine myself going out there to potentially face the business end of someone’s “Black Friday Rage” or vice versa.  What are your thoughts?  Is there a shopping sage out there that can impart some Holiday shopping wisdom?

  • Tech

    The King of All Media?


    An HTPC Solution

    In our home, DVDs suffer the cruelest of fates. Some are left abandoned only to fend on their own without a case. Some are placed in an awkward, uncomfortable position in another movie’s case. Little Mermaid, meet Showgirls (just kidding, I don’t own that movie). And some are subjected to the primitive, overzealous hands of two toddlers that compares only to King Kong’s grip on Fay Wray. What can save our DVD collection from such a sad end? Enter the home media center.

    For those of you that have a PC and Windows Vista Home Premium, media center functionality is already built in with Windows Media Center and for Mac fans, Front Row is typically included with the latest versions of OS X. Even gaming consoles, as you probably know, have the ability to play DVDs, view pictures, and even download online content. Our household is primarily Mac and while usable, Front Row is not quite as robust as I would like. Before going further, I would like to preface that software is needed to convert or “rip” your media to your hard drive and while controversy exists over whether it is legal to do so, I won’t go too much into the hows and why’s (I’ll leave that for another post that, most likely, will not be written). Should you need options to convert your media, I suggest trying Handbrake or ffmpegx.

    My two main media center software choices are Plex and Boxee which, in my opinion, are the two best current open source options and being open source, are totally free. The one caveat is that both of these applications are currently in beta and you might experience some bugs. But the software is continually evolving and updates are made on a regular basis. I’ve been using them for about a month now and have not experienced any major problems. Also, did I fail to mention that they are free?

    I currently favor Plex over Boxee because I find its interface very intuitive and much better visually (read: eye candy). What makes Boxee interesting, though, is that it contains a social networking aspect that connects to your Twitter or FriendFeed account and lets your friends know what you are watching and what you recommend (when it comes to porn though, I highly recommend you turn this functionality off unless you are so adamant about everyone needing to see Remember the Tight Ones).

    Perhaps more importantly though, is that these applications are not relegated to just movies. They can also be used to access and organize your music, photos, tv shows, etc. After all, it is a media application right? But it gets better. A multitude of plug-ins have been created to access content from the web. I have plug-ins that will allow me to access YouTube, Hulu, Vimeo, sites have video and/or audio content such as CNN, Comedy Central, & Pandora, and photography sites. There’s even a plug-in to access Netflix’s rental downloads.

    In some cases, people have cancelled their cable or satellite subscriptions outright and moved to downloading or watching their favorite shows online through an online site such as Hulu, iTunes, or Bittorrent. While I think that is an excellent cost-effective solution, I wouldn’t give my provider the finger just yet. In many cases, especially Bittorrent, the picture quality of the shows suffer due the effects of compressing the files to a smaller size. In addition, while sites such as Hulu, are starting to add HD content online, a higher internet connection speed is required and even the quality can be subpar. Finally, in our age of instant gratification, having to wait until a show is available online (which can take days) just doesn’t compare to watching the actual broadcast and being able to discuss it with friends or coworkers immediately afterwards or around the water cooler the following day. Then again, there are some types, including myself, that use their DVR constantly and not overly concerned with watching a show during its normal broadcast time.

    Overall, I have nothing but high praise for the home media center experience. Is this the future of home entertainment? I definitely think it has a shot. Blu-ray (both players and media) is still quite expensive and integration with other disruptive technology such as digital downloads gives us additional options and could reduce prices in the long run. For now – in our house, let’s just say that Finding Nemo stands for more than just the title.

  • Life

    We’ve Moved!

    Well – sort of. Our new site, aspirasfamily.com, is up and running and we will be retiring this blog. No updates will be made going forward but it will remain for archival and backup purposes. aspirasfamily.com is currently a photoblog where you will periodically see pictures of our family life. Text entries will mostly be snippets but the way pictures are displayed, in my opinion, are much more pleasing to the eye. In the upper right corner you will see a link to our weblog which will contain all of our prior entries from our blogger blog and future entries. The formatting is a little off for the old posts but at least we got it in there!

    The site is, as they say, a work in progress and will be continually updated in the future. In the near term, the goal is to create a “true” home page with the photoblog and weblog as separate links. I certainly hope everyone enjoys the new format and definitely feel free to forward any comments or suggestions you have.

    This post will also be mirrored at our new site.

    Enjoy everyone!

  • Family

    Our Children’s Celebrations

    Wow! It was a full weekend with Holden’s Baptism on Saturday and Elliott’s 2nd Birthday party on Sunday. Good thing we had Monday to recover! 😉 We were fortunate to have the whole Anspach/Aspiras family in town for the festivities along with several other family and friends.

    Holden was baptized by Father Arthur Yabes at St. Cyprian Catholic Church in Sunnyvale. We enjoyed a beautiful reception at Coyote Creek Golf Club hosted by Lolo and Lola Aspiras.

    Elliott had a Western themed party complete with pink cowboy boots and a rocking horse (instead of a real pony!) She had all her little friends come and celebrate with pigs in a blanket, mini sloppy joes, bean dip, potato salad, baked beans, cupcakes and fresh banana cake from our favorite little bakery “Icing on the Cake” in Los Gatos.

    We will post a link to all the great photos from this special weekend real soon. Enjoy!

  • Photography

    Happy Mother’s Day Weekend

    Here’s to all Mothers out there, whether they’re new, experienced, or expectant, Happy Mother’s Day!

    If ever one needs a shining example of a Mother’s love, see the below link to a Pulitzer prize winning pictorial by Renee C. Byer of the Sacramento Bee. I won’t spoil it by describing it to you. You’ll just have to see it for yourself.
